London to Sydney Microlight Flight
In 2007 Miles achieved another astounding world record undertaking a 55-day, 21,500 kilometer microlight flight more than half-way around the world from London to Sydney Australia.
The venture was undertaken in support of “Seeing is Believing”, the Standard Charter Bank’s initiative to rid the world of curable blindness.
To make the flight possible Miles relied on revolutionary speech-output technology and was supported by Richard Meredith-Hardy and Brian Milton, his obligatory sighted co-pilots, along with project manager, Jon Cook.
Clear Skies as Miles and Brian set off from London’s historic Biggin Hill airfield.
Miles inputting navigational waypoints into his speech output flight instrumentation.
Finally getting permission to land on Singapore Island made front page news
Every landing received a warm welcome.
Miles could smell a cold beer as he finally approached Northern Australia
Landing to refuel
Miles and Richard in Sydney upon completion of their flight
Unexpected Fuel Stop
Landing in the Outback